Marinated steak is grilled to perfection and served over greens with roasted peppers and onions. A tangy Romesco dressing ties it all together. Affiliate links were used in this post to link to items I am discussing. I would not normally post about recipes from the same cookbook 2 posts in a row, but this cookbook…
Vanilla Citrus Perunillas: Alex Bakes!; Review of Charcutería
Vanilla Citrus Perunillas are a crumbly, shortbread-type cookie that everyone loves! We loved them so much we made them a second time for my sister’s cookie table at her wedding! A copy of Charcutería: The Soul of Spainfollow was sent to me by the publishers for purposes of an honest review. Affiliate links were used…
Chicken Thighs Braised in Blood Oranges with Sherry and Meyer Lemon
Slow Cooker Chicken Thighs in Blood Oranges with Meyer Lemons and Sherry is the perfect pick me up dinner for winter! Warming, slow cooking, yet bright and cheery with citrus to combat the grey days, this meal is pure comfort food! Oh snow days. Shockingly they have become the norm. I saw a tongue in…
Spanish Pork and Fideo Noodles Cazuela (Stovetop Casserole)
I swear I don’t do it on purpose. But somehow, whenever John leaves town for a conference, I seem to end up cooking something I know he would love. Sometimes I feel guilty about this. He is in Recife, Brazil for 8 days. I will let you draw your own conclusions about my guilt level…
Salt Crusted Potatoes with Cilantro-Garlic Mojo: Cooking with Chris
I am SO excited to share this recipe with you! The most exciting part about it, the method of cooking the potatoes, is more of a technique, and a ridiculously simple one at that, but still the results were so delicious and impressive in a rustic kind of way.
Spanish Inspired Soup of Cauliflower, Peas and Shrimp with Chorizo and Smoked Paprika
I have this recurring dilemma about summer food. I realize that for many people a soup or stew does not sound great during the summer. But a lot of soups and stews are traditionally made all over the world in hot climates. Sometimes I feel like it is only those of us who live in…
Potaje de Vigilia (Spanish Fasting Soup with Beans, Thickened with Bread)
This time of year always brings with it a dilemma: you want healthy and light after weeks of feasting but at the same time for many of us it is cold outside and we want warming and hearty. Year after year I seem to turn to the same solution: bean soup.
Spanish Lentil Soup with Sausages and Apples
I was all excited to write this post, marking my return to submitting posts to that all-time favorite blog event of mine, My Legume Love Affair. Then the news about Penn State hit.
Ruperto’s Tender Flaky Cookies: A Great Dairy Free Cookie to Satisfy Shortbread Cravings
With apologies to my dairy free friends who also keep kosher or halal, I have to tell you that these cookies were so delicious, so sublime, that they might have replaced traditional butter-based Scottish shortbread for my favorites of this type of cookie (I will continue to make both though, because Scottish shortbread is fabulous…