I have this recurring dilemma about summer food. I realize that for many people a soup or stew does not sound great during the summer. But a lot of soups and stews are traditionally made all over the world in hot climates. Sometimes I feel like it is only those of us who live in…
Sweet And Spicy Tilapia Shout Out
I am hoping to have some pictures of food for you soon. I might have to steal my kid’s camera to do it, but nonetheless, I do realize this is a food blog.
Saffron Rice with Meatballs; Quick Spiced Potatoes and Cauliflower with Baby Shrimp: A Review of The Bengali Five Spice Chronicles
One of the big perks of blogging is being given cookbooks to review (I know you are shocked to hear me say that!). I try to only accept books that I would be interested in at least some of the dishes. You can imagine that I often get offered baking books that I am super…
Shrimp and Chicken Curry with Apples and Basil; Watermelon Sambhar
A lot of the furnishings in my home have been cobbled together from various hand me downs from family members. Recently, John and I decided that we needed a different approach to the girls’ bedrooms, so we made a trip to IKEA. While we were there, we also started thinking about my cookbook problem collection.
Indian Style Wok Cooked Shrimp Curry (Kadhai Jhinga)
I hope I translated the name of this dish accurately! It is from a pretty intimidating cookbook that John got me, called Prashad-Cooking with Indian Masters, by J Inder Singh Kalra, who is (was?) an Indian food writer. First published in 1986, the book is intended for an international audience, but either because it is…
An Indian Feast: Yogurt Curried Fish and Orange Scented Cauliflowers & Potatoes
My mom observed to me the other day that my posts had been shorter this winter. And it is true, because I seem to be perennially behind. I make a particular dish or dessert, and I fall asleep composing various observations about it in my head–but then I don’t sit down to write the actual…
JambaKinda: Simplified Weeknight Jambalaya
Jambakinda is my simplified weeknight jambalaya, not strictly authentic but definitely strictly delicious–and super easy! Jambakinda… too cheesy? Yes? Well, at any rate I would like to make clear that this is no way is supposed to be a real jambalaya–but it is supposed to emulate the flavors and textures of one. And I actually…
Shrimp & Scallops Tossed with Cherry Tomatoes, Basil & White Wine
I feel like the title of this post should be Why I Love Summer Part II: The Upscale Version. Because this was just as fast and pantry friendly as the last dish. It features summer’s best friends: zucchini and basil–and adds tomatoes, which only improves a dish. Now it just so happens that shrimp and…