When I was a kid, maybe around 9 or 10, I had fish. I don’t remember it being particularly exciting or complicated, but I spoke to my mom recently and it turns out her brother had fish growing up. So maybe she had absorbed a lot of his knowledge and knew where to start. Actually,…
Fallback Doctored Tortilla Soup
Ack! Sorry for the delay! I managed to be a good blogger through the first week of vacation, but the second week things just got away from me. Meals got made but pictures were not taken. Honestly I did not even turn my computer on the entire second week (!!).
Cook, Eat & Tweet: #AnEdibleMosaic’s Lentil and Bulgur Pilaf with Caramelized Onion
I have big news! Do you remember when I told you guys about joining Kitchen Play’s new project, Cookbook Tour? Well, we have an awesome new event going on to support Faith’s book, An Edible Mosaic: Middle Eastern Fare with Extraordinary Flair, called Cook, Eat and Tweet. Basically those of us involved in the project…
Indian Inspired Pumpkin & Chickpea Curry
I have tried to start this post countless times but we are currently having some trouble with our plug-ins. So before I forget, some housekeeping: if you cannot find the links to all of my social pages, please be patient they will come back. And you can find me under “The Spiced Life” at most…
Ohio-in-July Vegetable Soup, Indian Style
I try not to over-indulge in potatoes and sweet corn. They are both super starchy and they share a distinction–in my family at any rate–as rarely being the only starch on the plate (for example, if we have potatoes in a curry we often then want it on rice). And the sweetness of the…
Sweet and Sour Chana Saag
It always takes me a while to decompress from a vacation, and especially so from the beach. I made this dish the next day–and I loved it–but as I stare at the computer screen what I am really wishing I was doing is floating on my back in the surf, absorbing the warm sun and…
Lentil and Bulghur Soup with Minted Garlic Olive Oil Butter and Camp Memories
Camp has been a big topic of discussion in my house lately. First, it is the time of year when we choose a week-long day camp for the girls. Second, Alex just read a chapter book in which the protagonist twins spend 5 weeks at a summer camp, so she is interested in all things…
Spanish Lentil Soup with Sausages and Apples
I was all excited to write this post, marking my return to submitting posts to that all-time favorite blog event of mine, My Legume Love Affair. Then the news about Penn State hit.
Persian Gulf Split Pea Soup with Rice & Mint
So what is Mother Nature doing where you are? Is it as weird and crazy there? Temperatures all over the place, nonstop rain and storms, flooding, weird random sunshine when you least expect it (and probably cannot take advantage of it anyway if you have a traditional weekday job)…