I spent all weekend frustrated by the terrible light, brought on by extremely dark, stormy skies. And then slowly became aware of what was going on in the world around me, and was grateful that all I had to worry about was lighting for food photography. The devastation in Texas and Oklahoma has been just…
Cinco de Mayo Mexican Recipes Round Up
Sopa Tarasca (Tarascan Soup) with garnishes I don’t normally post round ups of previous recipes, but noticing all of the Cinco de Mayo recipes popping up everywhere around the web, it just seemed so silly that once again I had not gotten my act together in time. Especially when my site specializes in international recipes…
Pork Posole with Roasted Pork Tenderloin & Lila Beans
Alex has been going through a picky phase (I’ll wait for the gasps to die down). Lately leftovers drive her nuts (thanks, Dad, I blame you for that one!) and she is incredibly picky about various textures. My method for dealing with this has been to ignore, ignore, ignore. I make what I want–and she…
Laura’s Kitchen Sink Picadillo Style Hash
Be warned: this is a healthy but filling meal–I over served and as a result am quite stuffed. This is peasant fare: hearty, filling, boldly flavored, and quite possibly ugly, although that last one is in the eye of the beholder so I will leave it up to you to decide. It is also fairly…