When I was growing up, my grandparents lived within easy driving distance of my home. My maternal grandpa and grandma, whom I have written about here before, lived 45 minutes away in the country. My dad’s parents lived around the outer belt in a different suburb of Columbus. I was very close to both of my grandmothers,…
Shrimp and Chicken Curry with Apples and Basil; Watermelon Sambhar
A lot of the furnishings in my home have been cobbled together from various hand me downs from family members. Recently, John and I decided that we needed a different approach to the girls’ bedrooms, so we made a trip to IKEA. While we were there, we also started thinking about my cookbook problem collection.
Mixed Greens with Apples, Dates and Gorgonzola: OXO Salad Dressing Shaker Review
I cannot remember the last time I was so excited over a relatively small, uni-tasking kitchen gadget. OXO contacted me all the way back in the spring about receiving one of their new Salad Dressing Shakers, to review and give away as part of their Blogger Outreach Program, but there was a snafu somewhere in…
Lime Basil Bundt Cake
That first day after getting home from the beach, I was craving cake. It sounds absurd, since this is hardly health food, but after a decadent week of Oreos (thanks, Dad), ice cream, peanut M&Ms (thanks, Dad again), and more ice cream, I wanted something simpler and less rich.