Filipino Black Bean and Sausage Pasta fuses European and Asian flavors to create something unique, hearty and delicious. A copy of The World of Filipino Cooking was sent to me for the purposes of an honest review. Affiliate links have been used to link to items I am discussing. Since I last spoke to you I got…
Quesadillas with Black Beans, Corn and Tomatoes
A few days ago we finally got a fish for Alex’s aquarium. We knew you were suposed to start small–i.e., don’t get 10 fish at once–so we just got one. But here is the problem. We got the fish at Meijer’s, where I had not been planning to buy a fish, but we were there…
Trofie Pasta with Bacon, Crimini and Cherry Tomatoes
You may have been wondering what is going on with the aquarium project (check out the Spanish Soup post for a picture). We have had some issues getting the heater working right, so we still don’t have any fish (much to Alex’s irritation). But stay tuned! I am hoping to have some tomorrow!
Tomato & Chickpea Salad with Basil and Yogurt Dressing
Skamp had the big Snip Snip done last week. I am not sure he cares much about his missing testicles, but he is definitely not thrilled by his cone of shame (shame because we tried to go without, but that dog would not stop licking!).