I said our poor rescue dog derailed dinner in a previous post—well she kind of derailed my blog a bit this week as well. In the midst of making dinner for Friday evening I found out the no kill shelter could take her and had to leave during dinner. I did not want to lose her spot. Which meant that once again no pictures were taken of dinner. However it was a slow cooked meal that should make good leftovers so hopefully I will get a chance to take a picture tomorrow or Monday and post about the meal then. Also, and unusually (remember we have 2 toddlers now and haven’t been living here long and try not to feel too sorry for our lack of social life) we have dinner plans for 2 nights this weekend, which means that all I have are baked goods to post about (coming soon, check tomorrow). I promise dinner recipes in the future.
Anyway like I said we found a no kill shelter for poor Bony. It is about a 35 minutes drive from here and I took her in the car so John could run errands with the girls. I attempted to put her in back, but she hopped up front to the passenger seat, curled in a ball, and nuzzled my fingers until I pet her. Then, with me scratching her ears the whole way, she snoozed. It was the most relaxed I have seen her and it really killed me to see how upset she got when I took her into the shelter. Shaking and skittish. But it was absolutely the best outcome to the situation—I have never seen such a cheerful animal shelter. There were lots of friendly people there, helping out, answering phones, playing with the animals. The minute they saw her (and how skinny she was) they whisked her away to feed her. It was her 3rd meal that day, since I of course had had the same instincts, but it was good timing since I doubt she missed me for very long (whereas I stood there crying, feeling like I had betrayed her by giving her up). They said that they are a choosy shelter and routinely turn people away, and they were certain she would be adopted soon.
**Coming back to add that Bony was indeed quickly adopted–I happened to see her the day she was adopted and I did not even recognize her she had been taken care of so well!
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