Triple Dark Chocolate Muffins are easy, fast, and intensely chocolate–in the best way possible! Keep reading to see what everyone else made for Muffin Monday. Affiliate links have been used in this post to link to items I am discussing. These muffins were born of last minute inspiration and a seriously overbooked week. Octobers have…
S’Mores Bars with M&Ms and Graham Cereal
S’Mores Bars with M&Ms and Graham Cereal are a fun and easy way to create the delicious flavors of s’mores in a bar cookie. Affiliate links have been used to link to items I am discussing. Guys! Easter is coming SO LATE this year. And our spring break is always at Easter, which means our…
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies: review of The Ghirardelli Chocolate Cookbook
Well this is a shockingly delayed review, but when you own 732 books it can sometimes take a while to use one (before you judge me too harshly, know that I also read and peruse my cookbooks like novels). This cookbook was on my mind when we got back from the Disney cruise precisely because…
#BundtaMonth: M&M Cream Cheese Pound Cake
As soon as the theme for October was announced in my Bundt A Month group, I knew I would be baking my bundt cake for the elementary school carnival cake walk. Why? Because the theme is candy, and who likes candy more than kids? Plus, I had a sneaking suspicion I would use M&Ms, since…
100% Whole Grain Oatmeal Brownies with M&Ms
When your kid has impromptu gum surgery on the kitchen counter, and that kid is Sammy and the next day is the first day of school, chances are she is going to school, surgery-be-damned. And chances are you are going to leave a lot of instructions with both her teacher and the nurse for all…
Peanut Butter Candy Cups
This is technically about 2-3 weeks overdue as a post about what to do with your Halloween candy. But the thing is, this is a great idea for anytime–I mean how cute are these cups? And so easy! And just as tasty with chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, M&Ms, Reece’s Pieces, or mini marshmallows–all of…