I should have known better than to sing the praises of the gorgeous spring weather we’ve been having! Today was cold and rainy. Absolutely miserable. But not snow at least, with apologies to my friends west of me. With rain at least I can tell myself that April early May showers bring May flowers and…
Espresso Hazelnut Lace Cookies
I am so sorry I did not get this post to you in time for Christmas cookies. I made the plain hazelnut version with my mom, sent two thirds home with her (she and my dad love these cookies) and I kept one third, figuring I would photograph them in a day or two.
Double Chocolate Peppermint Mousse Parfait
You’ve probably noticed that this blog is dessert/baked goods central lately. I don’t like to whine TOO much (sometimes this blog feels like a long list of what infection I’ve had when), but after the appendectomy I did something to my back, caught a sinus infection, and now I have bronchitis. But October is also…
La Mousse Légère au Chocolate Chaud (Plain Chocolate Mousse, Served Hot)
John’s birthday used to be a grand affair. Four days before Valentine’s Day, we usually skipped that holiday in favor of a celebratory dinner for his birthday. Now by big I do not mean rollicking parties or anything, but it used to be I would make no less than 3 S.E. Asian main dishes and…
Bittersweet Chocolate Mousse Cake For Sammy
The previously un-considered dilemmas that arise with small children can be unexpected and tricky. For example, explaining Nazis to a 4 YO who loves The Sound Of Music. Or why the singer in Jace Everett’s Bad Things wants “to do bad things to you” (that was a hoot of a conversation–“Mommy, this is NOT a…
Happy Belated Birthday Alex! Worms in Dirt Mousse Cups
Belated because near the end of Alex’s party on Sunday, when nearly everyone was gone anyway, we had the mother of all thunderstorms, got 2 inches of water in 30 minutes (sending our creek into flash flood), and had a big power surge, which, while we did not lose power, totally destroyed our internet box….