Well I still don’t have the marshmallows to share. I want to tweak just a few last things–for a 4th batch (most of the 3rd was enjoyed by John’s students lest you think we have turned into marshmallows around here). It’s a hard job, making all these marshmallows, but someone has to do it. In…
Salty Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
These are the cookies to reach for when you cannot decide between the Chocolate Sugar Cookies and the Salty Chocolate Chocolate Chip Oat Cookies. Their texture, thin and chewy, resembles the sugar cookies, with the salt and oats of the latter cookie. I love all 3 and do not regret making any of them, although…
Salty Chocolate Chocolate Chip Oat Cookies For Peanut Butter
Growing up, we were always the kids with a horse. Actually we were the kids with a horse and a pool, but this post is about the horse. When I was in late elementary school, I went through a phase where I really resented it. I felt like kids wanted to come over to pet…
Cinnamon Apple Crisp Topped with Vanilla Cream
I am annoyed with myself every fall for not trying to make more simple apple desserts. I see them everywhere on the internet, mouth watering, and I think I could do that. And then for some reason I do not. OK, I do know why part of the time–frequently those otherwise simple desserts involve making…