Unexpected, sophisticated and delicious, Pumpkin Sage Cake is a wonderful addition to your pumpkin baking repertoire. Affiliate links have been used in this post to link to items I am discussing. I was of 2 minds about whether to share this cake. I made it at a particularly busy time, when the only moment I could…
Olive Oil Pound Cake with Saffron and Cardamom
Subtle and alluring saffron and cardamom enliven this long lasting and moist olive oil pound cake. This post is sponsored on behalf of Staples to drum up enthusiasm for National Coffee Day. So this is a sponsored post, but it is not, for me anyway, a typical sponsored post. Not that I do many sponsored…
Stewed Plum Swirled Bundt Cake or Cake of Wine Poached Plums; Review of Roast Lamb in the Olive Grove
Stewed Plum Swirled Bundt Cake or Cake of Wine Poached Plums–either the cake I made or the cake that was intended–are the perfect use for plums in the summer, when they are at their juicy, delicious peak. The publishers sent me a copy of Roast Lamb In the Olive Groves: A Mediterranean Cookbook for the…
Milk Chocolate Chunk Chocolate Loaf Cake
I’ve mentioned before that I have a capacity for endless experimentation with chocolate chip cookie recipes. As it turns out, I think we can add chocolate cake recipes to that category. Unfrosted ones, mind you (although a glaze is acceptable and sometimes even desired). I love chocolate cake. If I remember correctly, I think my…