Meyer Lemon Cocktail Marshmallows are a fun treat for an adult party, but if you take the word “cocktail” out, the alcohol is minimal enough to serve to kids too (at least half of the booze is cooked off, if not more).
Right about now I should be sipping some other cocktail, more suited for Caribbean breezes… As I write this, the outside temperature is 2. Yes just 2 (Fahrenheit). Actually, most of my fellow Americans are not surprised by this I am sure. The point being, whatever temperature it is while you are reading this, I am hoping it will be considerably warmer and sunnier in the Caribbean. And if you have any questions or concerns about the recipes being posted right now, please bear with me–I was organized enough–for once!– to schedule posts while I am gone. But there is no internet on a cruise (that I am willing to pay for) so approving comments and answering questions will have to wait until I get back home. To the cold. And wind. And grey. Gotta love Ohio in winter.
But hey if winter is getting you down, may I point out that winter is the perfect time to make these Meyer Lemon Cocktail Marshmallows? The dry heat helps them to cure, and the boiling sugar is easier to deal with when it is not hot outside. While peppermint will always remain my favorite flavor, I do enjoy playing with other flavors. I was particularly happy with how these came out–if you like lemon and like eating straight marshmallows I can nearly guarantee you will be too! They do require tracking down Tuaca–any decent liquor store should have it, it is a vanilla citrus liquor that is especially nice for baking with, so I can promise you will find other uses for it (see, for example, this Orange Vanilla Bundt Cake).

- 5 t unflavored powdered gelatin
- 1/4 cup freshly squeezed Meyer lemon juice
- 2 T Tuaca liquor
- 1/4 cup cold water
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup golden syrup light corn syrup will work also
- 2 T Tuaca liquor
- hefty pinch of kosher salt
- 1 t vanilla
- zest of 2 Meyer lemons (Have lemon extract or oil ready in case the fluff does not smell lemony enough to you)
- 1/2 cup potato or corn starch (I like potato)
- 1/2 cup powdered sugar
Lightly spray an 8X8 nonstick pan with oil spray. Set aside.
In the bottom of your mixer bowl, put the powdered gelatin. Whisk together the cold water and 2 tablespoons of Tuaca Liquor. Pour over the gelatin. Attach the whip attachment to the mixer and let the gelatin set while you prepare the syrup.
Stir together the sugar, golden syrup, 2 tablespoons Tuaca Liquor, water and salt in a heavy, medium-large, non-reactive sauce pan (I used a 2 qt All Clad). Place over high heat with a candy thermometer attached to the side of the pan and submerged in the syrup. Boil until the thermometer reads 245 F.
When it reaches 245 F, slowly pour it into the mixer bowl with the whisk attachment running on low speed. I like to rest the pot on the side of the metal bowl and let it slowly drizzle down the sides of the bowl. Be very careful because the syrup is hot and sugar burns are particularly bad.
Increase the speed to medium and beat for 5 minutes. Be wary of splattering. Increase to medium high speed and beat an additional 3 minutes. Reduce the speed to add the vanilla and Meyer lemon zest and then increase to the highest speed. If the weather is quite dry beat for 2 more minutes. If it is average, beat for 3 minutes. If you are at all concerned about damp, beat for 4 minutes. Take a good sniff while it is beating--the lemon should be prominent. If it is not strong enough for you add a few drops of lemon oil or a teaspoon of lemon extract.
While the fluff is beating, whisk together the corn or potato starch and powdered sugar. Set aside.
When the fluff is ready, quickly scrape it into the prepared pan. Using a silicone spatula dredged in the powdered sugar mixture, spread the fluff evenly into the pan.
Sift the prepared coating (powdered sugar and starch) over the fluff in the pan. Set aside for 6 hours (or up to overnight) in a cool, dry place. Reserve the remaining coating mix.
When you are ready to slice the marshmallows, sift some of the coating mixture over a cutting board. Using a skinny silicone spatula, loosen the marshmallow cake from the sides of the pan.
Pop the marshmallow cake out and onto the prepared cutting board. Using a large chef's knife dredged in the coating mixture, slice the marshmallows into whatever sized rectangles you desire. Use a firm up and down motion--do not saw.
Dredge each individual marshmallow thoroughly in the coating mixture. Store in single layers in a mostly sealed container–crack one corner to allow for some air flow. Marshmallows are best for eating out of hand fresh, and because this flavor is not great for coffee or hot chocolate, I recommend eating within a week.
These marshmallows would add so much brightness to my day! And would be a fun twist to stir into a hot chocolate…
Yum! I want a piece.
That looks so moist and marshmello-y!
I cannot even fathom 2 degrees. Thankfully I can, however, imagine how incredible these marshmallows are! I want one, or four.
These sound amazing. I have made marshmallows exactly ONE time. It’s time to make them again! And thank God it’s more than 2 degrees here in Texas!
I cannot even beigin to imagine 2 degrees, we never get temperatures like that in Houston. I love the idea of grown-up marshmallows – what a fun idea!
This is it. Your insanely delicious sounding marshmallows have put me over the edge. I think this weekend I am officially going to get into the kitchen and try making some marshmallows. I hope your trip to the Caribbean was a blast too!
even though we are mush warmer than 2 degrees, I would still rather be in the Caribbean, sipping a cocktail and eating a few of thee marshmallows
Winter is definitely the time for marshmallows! I love a good homemade version but never thought to try them with meyer lemon. Love it!