Just a quick update on the dog in our garage–I will be posting about some really yummy brownies come tomorrow. I still need to type up the recipe. But in case any of you were wondering…
First of all, the dog catcher still has not called me back-if any of you city people were wondering just what life is like in the middle of nowhere. If you rescue an animal, be prepared to hang on to him or her for a while! Luckily we have the spare kennel and room in the garage–which is really lucky because either this dog would insist on staying (a problem with my dogs if they were loose together) or she would end up hit by a car in front of my house–which I don’t think my psyche or my kids’ psyches are up to dealing with.
I have contacted all relevant shelters (guess what? Turns out we don’t have a shelter here where we are in IN either, or at least not one that anyone, including other IN shelters, knows about–heaven only knows what they do with the poor animals), which means all of the ones in Ohio, and no one knows about a lost German Shepherd. This told me that from here on out my priority is saving the dog, even if she ends up far from here, since any owners worth their salt would have told all of the shelters and vets’ offices that their dog was missing. Happily it looks like I have a few no kill options; in the worst case scenario my sister, who is visiting this weekend anyway, will drive the dog to Columbus where we have some contacts. I’ll give a shout out to my brother since it was his idea (he could tell I was pretty upset) and he was willing to come get the dog too if Josie hadn’t been coming (since we still have issues transporting the dog since I will not have my kids inbetween me and the dog in the car, no matter how sweet she is).
But here is where it gets weird–or maybe I just have not yet adjusted to the 21st century. Only our youngest dog is chipped since Finnegan is tatooed and Loki is so old and devoted that he is not going anywhere (plus, as he is the one who got lost, he wouldn’t let any strangers near him anyway). So I am not really used to the whole chipping thing yet. We took “Bony” (oh man she is so painfully thin–every time I pat her I want to scream at someone) to our vet to be scanned for a chip. She has one! Yea! Case solved! Oh wait, the owners never registered it, it appears to have been done in Missouri of all places and the pet store (it would seem it was a store not a vet who chipped her) has no record of having put a chip in this dog even though the record says they did. Now we are trying to find their supplier, I don’t entirely understand why, but they said the supplier might have the records. Lovely. My gut says this is a college student from Missouri’s dog and frankly my gut also says they have made no effort to find her so I hope she goes to a no kill shelter and is immediately adopted by a wonderful family and lives out the rest of her natural life not knowing what an irresponsible college student is. Not that plenty of them aren’t responsible–but every year the numbers of abandoned cats and dogs in college towns is absolutely sickening.
OK, soapbox over.
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