Welcome to the wonderful world of taking Alex to play with the cats at the animal shelter. Also heard was:
“Can that kitty CAT go home with ME?”
“I LOVE the kitty cat!!”
My 2 1/2 year old speaks in a strange toddler sing song voice with emphasis on various words in any given sentence. It’s pretty funny. Anyway, I have not made it to the animal shelter on my own since my last posting because we have been house hunting, and when John takes off time from work for other stuff he cannot come home early to let me go to the shelter. But I have taken Alexandra the last 2 weekends, the first time with John and Samantha too. Sam was pretty much a bust, as she did not appreciate being restrained constantly. But Alex (who is old enough to set loose) loved it.
Anna the psychotically shy Bassett Hound is still there, and she is getting more outgoing–although I wouldn’t call her confident yet or anything. But she did remember me and rubbed all over me. I saw the trainer working with Rosie, so that was a happy thing. I didn’t see either of my mangy puppies, so I am thinking they might have been adopted. Here’s hoping… When I am there with Alex I pretty much stick to puppies and felines since children under 13 are not allowed near the dogs (and with obvious good reason).
In the meantime, I found a new cat to obsess on. You see her (him?) here with Alex–her name is Luna and she is just awesome. I am pretty sure she is a very young cat or old kitten, however you want to think of it, and she is super friendly. I held her and she snuggled with me, rubbing my face and shoulders all over with her chin. And she held still for Alex to pat her.
We need to move.
Ah… I miss kitties. I used to be a sucker for picking up kitties here and there and taking them home with me. DH is deathly allergic to anything with fur- so sadly we will never have a furry pet 🙁 Kitty looks cute!!
How did you not go home with that cat!
I didn’t want a cat but I used to do Big Brothers and Big Sisters and one day I took My little sister to the shelter to look at animals(her idea). Yeah I came home with a kitten.
recipegirl: that sucks.
Kristi: Ha, well it was really hard. I knew John would KILL me and we had both agreed that we really needed to wait until we buy our house. In our experience cats are really hard on a house (the carpets, etc) and we just didn’t want to do it in a rental. But yeah I really like the cat. She’ll probably get adopted fast is my guess.
And then I’ll find another one. 🙂
That kitty is so pretty.
I love cats but sadly I’m terribly allergic to them.