Alex loves The Sound of Music. Since the moment she saw me watching it, she became obsessed. She calls it “Maria” and refuses to acknowledge any other name for it. When we first started watching it Nazis were kinda hard to explain–I just left it at bad guys who wanted to force the Captain to…
One-Bite-to-Heaven Chocolate Yeasted Cake
I have developed a recipe pet peeve. That is for yeasted recipes that were apparently tested in the tropics in an 80+ F kitchen. You know the ones, the ones you start with more than enough time and even though your kitchen is by no means cold–even hot according to your arctic-minded family–it takes waaaaay…
Mother’s Day Yeasted Waffles
I was thinking I could rename my blog “Waffles!” for the next few weeks. It’s not often I get a new appliance that I want to use this much. Plus, the faster I try all the waffles from the All Clad pamphlet, the faster they will get on my blog–and the faster I can lose…
Excessive Or Perfect? Or Both? Moravian Sugar Coffeecake Circa 1987
My local used bookstore had another one of those crazy sales. Different percentages off for different days, and 20% for all of Valentine’s Day Weekend on top of that. I am totally weak willed in the face of such deals on books. Helpless. Since we’ve been sick, I only made it on 1 day–to 2…
The Spiced Life Family Sweet Rolls
John: “Are these healthier than your family’s sweet rolls?” Me: “Yes, probably.” John (said with sadness): “I can taste it.” Me: “Well would you eat them (as well as the family sweet rolls) if you had both?” John: (An incredulous look) This was our conversation about whether I would serve 2 kinds of rolls at…
Maple Buttermilk Cornmeal Rolls
My family has one dish that is served at absolutely every single Big Occasion (and many small ones too). The family pig roast, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter (when we were growing up–now we are rarely home), any occasion on which all 4 of my mother’s children are under the same roof, you name it. It is…
Crusty Multi Grain Sandwich Bread
For some reason, homemade bread season has been delayed around here–extra odd when you consider the chilly weather. But I finally got around to it earlier in the week when I made the Indian Spiced Pumpkin Lentil Stew. Granted, I realize that one might have expected Indian flatbread or basmati rice to accompany that stew,…
Whole Grain Cottage Cheese Bread
A blog that I read, For Goodness Sake, recently had a post about some of my bread–in the post Linda called herself a “bread stalker” and said she stalked my breads (a HUGE compliment, by the way). Well I have 2 blogs that I check into primarily for bread as well–Wild Yeast and Farmgirl Fare….
What A Winter!: Anadama Bread
This view is out back but mostly to the side of the house–those trees border the creek that runs through our land. Well I feel like I may as well be living in the northeast, so why not make that classic northeast sandwich loaf? Seriously, we got snow last year (I have only lived here…