Spiced Molasses Amber Ale Cookies are a delicious twist on spiced molasses cookies, with an alluring malty undertone from the amber ale. I learned an important lesson when making these Spiced Molasses Amber Ale Cookies. Don’t ever try to boil beer on the highest heat, especially not on an induction power boil setting.
Bourbon Bacon Beans
Bourbon Bacon Beans are a sweet and savory side dish that pairs perfectly with milder proteins, like chicken breasts. This is a sponsored post via Kitchen Play, in which I have been paid a sum of money to both try Tesoro tomatoes and discuss using them. I was sent Cooking Slow for the purpose of…
Gingerbread Bars/Review of Esther Brody’s 250 Best Bars and Brownies
I was recently sent Esther Brody’s The 250 Best Brownies, Bars and Squares to review. I was a little skeptical before receiving the book; the somewhat personality-less “250 Best!” format is not really to my taste. On the other hand, any collection of 250 baked goods deserves to be perused. The verdict?
Gingerbread Pancakes
We seriously believe in birthdays in this house. OK, *I* seriously believe in birthdays, and so my kids do now too. I am not sure John had a huge say in the matter. But anyway, that explains why it does not phase me in the least to cook for 4 different birthday celebrations per kid.
Pumpkin Whoopie Pies: Baking With Sammy
During the years I lived in State College, PA, I saw many pumpkin whoopie pies for sale. And for some reason I always stared longingly but talked myself out of buying. I have no idea why–some misguided attempt to be healthy?–but whatever the reason I had never made nor eaten whoopie pies before Sammy’s and…
Vegan Low Fat Chocolate Cake
John and I always plan our vacations around food. We (along with my sister) spend a good chunk of our beach vacation finding the best seafood, the best ice cream, the best restaurant, etc; we spent our honeymoon eating our way through Thailand; we added Spain and Morocco to John’s conference in Vienna for the…
When Greasing A Pan Goes Wrong: Gingerbread Teacakes
This is a “twofer” post–2 posts for the price of one. It is a post about the delights of baking with your children and it is a post about what to do when your cakes or muffins do not release (through no fault of your children, I might add)–resulting in 2 different desserts. So first…
Molasses Ginger Granola Bars
Well I still don’t have the marshmallows to share. I want to tweak just a few last things–for a 4th batch (most of the 3rd was enjoyed by John’s students lest you think we have turned into marshmallows around here). It’s a hard job, making all these marshmallows, but someone has to do it. In…
Thai Influenced Stir Fried Pork & Vegetables With Kaffir Peanut Sauce
To think that 3 years ago this week the Cleveland Indians’ home opener was canceled for snow–as were the subsequent 3 games. Not this opening day– the Midwest is experiencing shockingly wonderful early April weather. The last week has seen more hot days than we had in all of July last year (I exaggerate but…