I have some advice for people planning summer vacations with kids who are at that just starting school/preschool age. Don’t plan them for early-mid August. You will return home and poof! just like that your summer is over and you are scrambling to get them ready for school. Supplies, back packs, preschool open houses, etc….
Mexican Green Gazpacho With Shrimp
My sister visited recently, and one thing we always do when she visits is cook. Recently we have liked to make Indian food especially, but the doctor has her on a low carb diet at the moment pertaining to some health issues, and so we thought it might be better to skip the copious rice…
Seared Alaskan Cod With Green Gazpacho Sauce
I was perusing back in my blog for some reason the other day–I forget why–when I came across Global Kitchen‘s Seared Mahi Mahi, featured in one of my early To Try Tuesdays (and yes I keep meaning to re-start them, but honestly it’s been a while since I have had a chance to leisurely peruse…
So You Think You’ve Had Sweet And Sour?: Thai Sweet And Sour With Pork
Do you associate sweet and sour Asian dishes with heavy, almost gloppy stir fries served with breaded and fried, sometimes greasy, chicken or pork? I am not claiming I did not once enjoy that Chinese American restaurant staple, but I promise once you try the Thai version you won’t look back. The sauce should be…
A Shockingly Successful Lemon Garbanzo Salad With Feta Cheese
I am sure some of you are wondering why I made the thing if I was so shocked at its success? Well I knew I would like it–and I was even certain my kids would eat it by component–i.e., eat all of the cukes, then all of the tomatoes, then the feta cheese, etc., and…
Tomato, Pepper, Cucumber & Feta Salad
At the risk of inundating you with salads, I decided to make another chopped veggie salad, hi-lighting tomatoes instead of watermelon. Personally I think if you use a good quality French Feta, you cannot go wrong with almost any veggie combo. For this salad, I chopped up cucumbers, orange bell pepper and tomatoes, relatively…
Just Call Me A Sheep: Watermelon & Cucumber Salad with Feta
Has everyone else noticed the savory watermelon salads popping up everywhere on the internet? It seems to be the hot summer foodie trend. And I am not normally a trend follower (just ask my sister about my sense of fashion, haha) but this was one bandwagon I had to hop on. I have seen them…
The Meal Before The Cupcakes: Thai Cucumber Salad & S.E. Asian Potato Salad
So what did we serve at our birthday party? By Alex’s request, first and foremost, there was a lot of fruit: cantelope, watermelon, red and green grapes, and strawberries. I would have loved to have added blueberries, but I just think they taste so much better when they are local. What we did have was…