I can tell it’s fall because the viruses are just not stopping around here. Which is relevant because I am soooo behind and that is why I am only now getting around to posting about these oat cakes, which I made with both girls on Labor Day (!), and which sustained me through the first round…
Archives for September 2011
Zhurou Chao Mogu (Chinese Pork and Mushroom Stir-Fry)
The minute I saw this recipe in Saveur I knew I was making it. Mushrooms are one of those foods that John and I, while I was pregnant, would spend silly hours dissecting exactly what our strategy would be if–God forbid!–we had a child who did not like mushrooms.
Chunky Quadruple Chocolate Cookies: Baking with Sammy
Houston, we have a winner! Because even Sesame Street has to hit a homerun every now and then. Sammy and I have continued our baking adventures during the day while Alex is at school.
Curried Beef in Yogurt and Toasted Spices
This post has been a loooong time coming. To start with, I made this curry what feels like eons ago, in August. And then there is the fact that I spent the last week flat on by back, having been whacked by the virus from hell.
Corn Soup
Do you have any dates that for whatever reason you just absolutely cannot get straight in your head? Even though you always remember your best friend’s birthday, all of your siblings’ and your mom’s, but for some reason your dad’s birthday just eludes you? Is it the 5th or the 6th? It’s just me? Fine.